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The German-Moldovan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD Moldova) supports the EU adaptation process of the Government of the Republic of Moldova in the field of agriculture and rural development. The activities of the project include analytical, coordination, advisory and capacity building measures

  • Support the EU screening process

    Support the Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) in screening the EU acquis and aligning national agricultural policy with EU standards

  • Analysis and policy advisory

    Demand-based agricultural policy analyses and advisory services, publication of Policy Briefs

  • Academic cooperation

    Initiating the cooperation between academic institutions in Germany and Moldova and providing a series of open lectures on EU Agricultural Policy for Moldovan students and other relevant stakeholders

  • EU Mentoring Group

    The project assures the secretariat function of the EU Mentoring Group for the Moldovan Agricultural Administration and organizes quarterly online meetings with the participation of the experts from EU ministries of agriculture on different subjects of interest for MAIA.

  • Capacity building and institutional reform

    Capacity building and training measures aim to strengthen the Moldovan Agricultural Ministry’s (MAIA) capacities in the field of programming and monitoring of the agricultural policy in preparation of the EU accession process