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German-Moldovan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD)

Supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry on Moldova’s path into the EU

Moldovan agricultural scenery



    • 22.01.2025

    First Year of APD Moldova

    Reflecting on the first full year of APD Moldova, 2024 stands out as a pivotal year in advancing Moldova’s agri-food sector.

    • 06.12.2024

    4th EU Mentoring Group

    On December 5, 2024, APD Moldova hosted the fourth session of the EU Mentoring Group, continuing its mission to strengthen the Agricultural Administration of the Republic of Moldova through valuable exchanges of experience and knowledge with EU Member States.

    • 15.11.2024

    APD Supports Moldova’s Participation in EuroTier 2024: Opportunities for the Livestock Sector

    Between November 10-14, 2024, APD Moldova organized a study tour for participants of the Moldovan livestock sector at the EuroTier 2024, a renowned international event dedicated to the livestock sector, held biennially in Hanover, Germany.

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About the APD Moldova

The German-Moldovan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD Moldova) is a project of the Bilateral Cooperation Programme funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The 3-year technical assistance project aims at supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova (MAIA) and its agriculture administration on their path into the European Union (EU).

The Implementation Agreement for the APD Moldova project was signed by MAIA and GFA Consulting Group (General Agent of the BMEL for the Bilateral Cooperation Programme) on October 6, 2023, and started its support in November 2023. APD Moldova is functioning as a hub between the two ministries and manages 27 different activities, specifically pertaining to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Food Safety Standards, and the Common Fisheries Policy (CPF) of the EU. These activities aim at promoting a dialogue between and sharing experiences of EU member states and Moldova on EU integration, helping build capacities in the agriculture administration (MAIA, AIPA, and ANSA), and enabling a smoother transition in the implementation of the EU body of law (EU Acquis). To share knowledge and promote mutual learning, the APD Moldova Project also focuses on establishing academic cooperation between these two countries.