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  • 18.05.2024

EU Harmonization Workshop

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the German-Moldovan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD Moldova), in partnership with the EU-Moldova Association Project and the EU-funded High-Level Advisor for Agriculture organized a full-day workshop on EU Harmonization of agriculture and rural development (Chapter 11 of the Acquis) for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA).

The objective of the workshop is to i) deepen the knowledge and understanding on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), ii) define and agree on the priorities and sequential steps for the implementation of Chapter 11, and iii) operationalize the implementation and legal approximation process.

The content of the APD_EU Harmonisation Workshop presentation held by the APD and partners stimulated discussions and exchanges between the Secretary General and State Secretaries of the MAIA and the 60 participants, offered new perspectives on how to better use the available administrative resources to achieve high results and efficiency in the EU harmonization process.

Photo credit: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova